The Mission

I've been so touched by the people of the Philippines -- I will be traveling to the Philippines many times over the next several years, helping with special needs children, helping Christian schools with curriculum and staff development, and even getting some new schools started. Along the way I will be helping local churches by providing school supplies for the children, as well as Bibles and other needs of the church. Join me as I help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ while helping to educate many of the "throw-away" kids of Bohol and the Central Visayan islands of the Philippines.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

These Kids Are Awesome!

Kids enjoying the meal
Today was a busy day . . . left the hotel around 7:30 am and returned 12 hours later, having stopped only long enough for a quick lunch.  I went to Tagbilarin with Bro. Jul and his daughter to do some shopping for the youth of his church.  I also picked up a few supplies for the teacher of the classroom that I visited yesterday.  I didn't get much in the way of photos of the travel, as I was jammed into an express van . . . an eight passenger van that they packed with people much like the old phone booth trick . . . a total of 18, not counting the driver!  Very hard to get any kind of photo when you're jammed into the middle.

This afternoon was spent meeting the children who live in a squatter settlement in nearby Panaytayon.  At first I felt a little overwhelmed at the degree of poverty; however, the other realization is that these people don't really understand that they are poor -- this is just how they live.  I honestly believe that they are as happy or happier then most Americans.  If I had stayed there that evening after the other church members had left, I am sure that I would have been welcomed into someone's house and offered the best place to sleep.

Scott, Pastor Jul, and "Zacheus"
The meal was prepared by the ladies of the church and then served after some singing and then a Bible story by your's truly.  I told them about Zacheus . . . and for a little dramatic affect, when it was time for Zacheus to climb the tree, I hoisted a boy (guessing  4 or 5) up on my shoulders to symbolize the "little guy up a tree" scene.  All of the children, including the young Zacheus, enjoyed the spectacle.  I think that the little guy had never been that high up in the air before!  Anyway, the story was translated by Bro. Jul and the crowd of kids and parents seemed to appreciate the story and the interaction.

The church in Tibugon has some wonderful workers.  One of the ladies, Buenaventurada, was struck by polio at a young age and so is confined to a wheelchair.  In spite of her condition, she went out of her way to serve these kids while on her knees in her well-used wheelchair.  I was struck by her dogged determination and ever present smile -- we all have some things to learn from these people!
Buenaventurada after serving the kids

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