The Mission

I've been so touched by the people of the Philippines -- I will be traveling to the Philippines many times over the next several years, helping with special needs children, helping Christian schools with curriculum and staff development, and even getting some new schools started. Along the way I will be helping local churches by providing school supplies for the children, as well as Bibles and other needs of the church. Join me as I help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ while helping to educate many of the "throw-away" kids of Bohol and the Central Visayan islands of the Philippines.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

There's A Game???

I know, I know . . . 98 percent of the population of the United States is tuned in to the Super Bowl right now.  I'm not.  I gotta tell you . . . I don't even know who's playing.  It's not that I have anything against the Super Bowl, or pro football, or sports in general . . . but I just can't get excited about it all.  I mean, what if they took all the money spent on the Super Bowl -- and that includes all the hot wings being consumed by ravenous fans -- and put it to use to benefit some needy group of people, wouldn't our world be some how better?  Seriously, does one athletic event have the right to consume that much of the world's attention and money?  I don't think so.  I guess I think differently then most.

The pastor called me to the front of the auditorium at the end of church today.  He asked me to speak a little about my upcoming trip to the Philippines.  It was a little strange . . . I was holding back tears and I don't know why.  Well, yes I do know why . . . this is a big event for me.  This has the potential to be a "life-changer".  It's the most important thing on my mind at the moment.  Football? Whatever.

I guess I'm thinking about those kids that we're going to feed on Saturday the 18th . . . they're hungry and could probably use some new clothing . . . and enough supplies and school uniforms so they can go to school.  What are we talking?  $20 for one kid would probably set him or her up for an entire school year.  How much are they spending on the Super Bowl?

There's the church on the island province of Masbate.  These people are serving a needy community, where nearly everyone is poor.  It's the poor helping the poor.  They need some land and a building, as the current place they rent has a leaky roof and the dirt floor turns to mud when it rains.   This is the Philippines.  It rains there. A lot.  I think the land and building can be done for around $12,000.  How much are they spending on the Super Bowl?

Brother Jul would love to start a Christian school at his church in Tubigon.  He has enough students who would be interested.  He could find enough people who would teach.  He needs a larger building and the books and  materials to get a small school going.  But he says that they are barely keeping the church doors open -- the thoughts of outreach programs and schools are just not realistic for them.    I don't really know how  much it would cost, but compared to a school in the US . . . well, there's really no comparison.  It would be a fraction of the cost providing a 100-fold benefit.  How much are they spending on the Super Bowl?

I'm sure I could go on and on, finding needs there in the Philippines that could be wiped out rather quickly by just having a portion of the money spent on Super Bowl madness.  And I know, there will always be poor; it's a sad reality.  But that doesn't mean that we can't give it a try.

How much are you spending on the Super Bowl today?  Really?  That much?  Think about it. Seriously. Please.

I can't ask you to give money to me . . . I'm just a guy who is going to try to do some good things.  If you're interested in sending some money to my church which would be used to help these people in the Philippines, just send me a note; here's my email:  I will get you in touch with the appropriate people.  Seriously.  Think about it.

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