The Mission

I've been so touched by the people of the Philippines -- I will be traveling to the Philippines many times over the next several years, helping with special needs children, helping Christian schools with curriculum and staff development, and even getting some new schools started. Along the way I will be helping local churches by providing school supplies for the children, as well as Bibles and other needs of the church. Join me as I help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ while helping to educate many of the "throw-away" kids of Bohol and the Central Visayan islands of the Philippines.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Books, Books, Books

When I visited the Icthus Christian Academy in Bohol, the staff showed me their library . . . if I recall correctly, it consisted of one book case that was 70 percent full.  That's not a library, at least not for a school.  So I made a mental note of the situation with the idea that I might be able to do something about it for them.  I had considered  asking my pastor if I could put a collection box in the church foyer . . . but then I found another solution.

I began a new job this week.  I will become the  manager of a Goodwill store here in the Albuquerque area.  Among the many donations they receive each day is an amazingly large quantity of books.  Although they sell many of the books, many more are sent to a clearance center for quick sale.  While many of the books would not be appropriate for a Christian school, there are many that would be of great value in their library.

All it will take is a few volunteers to visit the clearance center each week to sort through the many titles that are processed each day.  (As a manager, I am not allowed to shop in the clearance center, so someone else must do it for me.)  Anyway . . . the books can then be placed in a balakbayan box and then shipped to the Philippines.  The cost for a jumbo (six cubic feet) box is $105 . . . rather inexpensive for a hundred pounds of books or more.

hint:  If anyone is interested in paying for a shipment of books, please let me know.

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