The Mission

I've been so touched by the people of the Philippines -- I will be traveling to the Philippines many times over the next several years, helping with special needs children, helping Christian schools with curriculum and staff development, and even getting some new schools started. Along the way I will be helping local churches by providing school supplies for the children, as well as Bibles and other needs of the church. Join me as I help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ while helping to educate many of the "throw-away" kids of Bohol and the Central Visayan islands of the Philippines.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A Work In Progress

I spent a couple of hours this past Monday visiting with Pastor Tom of First Christian Church here in Albuquerque.  It was a good meeting.  The topic was essentially about how to get me situated so that I could become a full-time missionary to the Philippines.  Now that doesn't mean that I would be in the Philippines full time, but that my efforts and "employment" would be focused full-time on the Philippines, regardless of where I was living.  Although we talked about a number of ways that I might be "organized", but the idea of forming a 501(c)3 non-profit was likely the best choice.  It would allow me to do things that would be more difficult if I was under the umbrella of the church itself.  It was noted that this process of forming a 501(c)3 might take some time . . . perhaps a year or more.

Now what I didn't really think about until after our meeting was that, I already am on the board of directors of an inactive non-profit.  I had been part of a homeschool education organization, which unfortunately had gained very little support or interest.  I contacted the other board members to discuss the status of the organization, and then offered a possible change in focus: to move from being an educational organization serving homeschool students to being an educational organization serving disadvantaged students (children) in the Philippines.  Although we still need to have a formal meeting regarding this change, the overall mood of the board is in favor of the changes.

So . . . now comes the task of coming up with a new name, a new mission statement, a new articles of incorporation and by-laws, and selecting new and/or additional members of the board of directors.  While that may seem a simple enough set of tasks, there is much more involved in those decisions then one might first think; it is really a very complicated and involved process, requiring a lot of thought and consideration.  That said . . . I'm looking forward to making it all happen, for as each task is completed it means that I am one step closer to working full time to support school children in the Philippines.  I will continue to post here as things develop.

I'm excited!

Oh . . . and I met with the church's mission committee . . . it's possible that my little mission may be the focus of this summer's Vacation Bible School mission project.  I have also been asked to present my work in the Philippines to one of the Sunday school classes . . . with prospects of having the class support one of my "projects" .

I love movement . . . especially when it's movement in the direction I want things to go!  The new momentum is encouraging.  Keep  me in your prayers.

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