The Mission

I've been so touched by the people of the Philippines -- I will be traveling to the Philippines many times over the next several years, helping with special needs children, helping Christian schools with curriculum and staff development, and even getting some new schools started. Along the way I will be helping local churches by providing school supplies for the children, as well as Bibles and other needs of the church. Join me as I help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ while helping to educate many of the "throw-away" kids of Bohol and the Central Visayan islands of the Philippines.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Would You Believe Part 3?

I'm  not really a morning person, but I admit, sometimes I like being up before the rest of the world begins to stir.  This morning is one of those times.  The house is quiet, no cars or trucks driving by the house, no kids out on their bikes . . . only the sound of my fingers on the keyboard and the gentle snoring of my son's dog laying here beside me on the sofa.  I leave for the Philippines one week from tomorrow.  I wonder what that morning will feel like?  Will it be quiet and peaceful?  I would sure hope that I've packed everything and don't have one of those "oh crap" moments when I realize I have forgotten something truly important!

I've been thinking about my article yesterday.  My brother sent me a Facebook comment mentioning that he too has perfectionist syndrome.  It's not that we have a need to be fastidious about everything, but just that some things must be right or they will bug us until the wee hours of the morning. For instance, the article I wrote yesterday took several revisions before I "published" it.  And then I read through it a couple more times after it was "live", making some minor corrections.  If I hadn't re-read the article, I wouldn't have made any changes at all . . . it would likely have been fine as it was.  But I had to, just had to look at it one more time . . . just in case . . . you know . .  . in case something was amiss: an extra space between words, or a misplaced comma, or a word that just wasn't quite right. Ugh!  90% is better then 100%.  It's okay . . . let it go!

At the end of yesterday's article I mentioned that I needed to get my ideas out in front of other people.  I still believe that.  Here's the rub.  I'm operating under "assumptions" rather than fact.  Oh, I've had some input from people who are there and who have given some affirmation of my understanding of the needs there.  But I feel strongly that I need to experience the situation for my self, rather than relying on someone else's perception of it.  There is a difference between 90 and 100 percent perfect versus accurate and inaccurate.  I'm not withholding my ideas today because of a need to be perfect, but because of a need to be certain that I'm right!  There's a difference.  I don't want to go on record saying one thing, then coming back with a totally different message.  I may still come back saying something different than I already have.  I don't want to go off bragging about all the wonderful things I will do, only to come back with my tail between my legs saying that I didn't do anything I said I was going to do.

I do know this much . . . unless I break a leg or something, I'm going to the Philippines.  I have people to meet and, unless something unforeseen happens, I will help construct a church building.  I am supposed to meet with a bunch of kids one day, a public school teacher another day, and a whole private Christian school on yet another day.  I've also been asked to give the message on Sunday at the church in Tubigon.  Those are the reasonably "sure" things.  It's the outcome of those activities that I won't make predictions on.  I have some expectations, some assumptions . . . but they may be all wrong.  I can assure you that once I return, all will be revealed, at 90 percent (plus or minus).  Pag-ayo-ayo.

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